At Glenferrie Primary School, we pride ourselves on running a strong Mathematics program that meets the individual needs of all our students. Our Mathematics programs are fun, engaging and based in real life contexts. Students work across the three strands of Mathematics – Number, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students are supported to work mathematically and build their understanding, fluency, problem solving skills and reasoning. Students’ learning moves through to more sophisticated concepts within these learning domains as they develop knowledge of mathematical concepts and skills at their own pace.
We have a particular focus on problem solving in Mathematics at Glenferrie Primary School. Teachers use an Instructional Model based on clear modelling of concepts by the teacher, time for students to trial modelled ideas and a reflection that enables students to see a variety of approaches and difficulties within tasks. Students are introduced to a tool box of problem solving strategies and explicitly taught the skills that enable them to choose and apply the most effective strategies.
Student groupings are informed by regular formal and informal assessments which are completed against the Victorian Curriculum’s achievement standards. Students learn in a variety of settings including like-ability and mixed-ability groups, as well as whole-class and individualised tasks.
Students set learning goals in collaboration with their teachers based on what they already know, and what they understand they need to achieve. We believe that students are motivated to learn when they know their own abilities and understand the next steps to success. Students have access to a variety of physical and electronic resources to support their learning, using hands-on materials, games and mental strategies and ICT (1 to 1 iPads from Year 3 to 6).